Donate your used car, truck or van to support an important cause. We accept almost any vehicle regardless of age or condition and make the donation process as easy and fast as possible for our donors. If you have a car, truck, RV, van or boat to spare, we will be more than happy to help you turn your Tennessee car donation into something valuable to the lives of others.
At Donate A Car, you’ll find some of the most trusted charities and non-profit organizations in the country. We serve all cities and communities across the state, including Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Clarksville, Jackson, Murfreesboro and Chattanooga.
It’s great being a part of an amazing cause. But donating your car in Tennessee with us entitles you to additional benefits: a potential tax deduction, a free pick-up and zero paperwork hassle.
If you have a used vehicle just lying in the garage, make it useful again by finding a charity you’re passionate about. Our team will handle the rest.
With our service, charities can focus on their work for the community, and you can donate with confidence.
Choose your favorite charity below and donate today.
How It Works
From our list of nonprofits
Open seven days a week
Free towing included
The charity gets the proceeds
Consult your tax advisor for eligibility